Active Alert (Active 911) Signup
Once you become a member, to be entered on the callout list send an email to with the following information if you are NEW to Active911.
Name - as you want it appear on the callout
Phone number
Device Type: only ONE of Smartphone, Cell (not smartphone), Tablet, Landline, PC
Page Type: only ONE of Active911 for iOS, Active911 for Android, Active 911 for Windows, SMS, Email
Once this information is entered, you will receive an email telling you how to activate your account (this will involve installing the ActiveAlert app) on your phone. The email will tell you to install the app, then open it. When the app is opened, you have the option of entering your phone number and it will text you the device code. Once you know the device code, enter this in the app and your device will be fully activated.
If you already a member of ActiveAlert (from another rescue unit), send your device code from Active Alert (this can be found in the ActiveAlert app under Settings/General, it will have a format ddddddd-XXXX where 'd' is a digit, X is a letter).
When your receive a callout, please select Resp (responding) if you intend to respond to the call.